
You may have noticed that I had posted a couple times from my new site http://www.thefounddiet.com/blog/. I’m still in the process of fixing this, so in the meantime I’m just going to post from here, because I both know and understand how to use this! Eventually, http://www.thefounddiet.com will house both my blog and my health coach website. This will happen. I promise both of us.

School has started and I’m incredibly excited! I’m working with an amazing group of people and feeling some serious love and happiness. I will not be practicing until January of 2013, however, if you are interested in having a health screening done (takes about 30 minutes and we can do this via Skype or phone) I would absolutely love to do that with you. You can be my guinea pigs! I won’t be doling out advice, obviously, but if you like what we do, I can book you an appointment in January šŸ™‚

Now, on to the other things…

This is my first CSA share! I feel completely ridiculous for not having done this sooner. You can’t see them, but there are also several amazing tomatoes. Heirloom and beefsteak I think. And I met one of the chickens who laid those eggs. I’m in heaven.

But the tomatoes…

I absolutely cannot stop eating them. My favorite way is just sliced, on sprouted toast, with mayo and salt and pepper. That’s been my lunch for over a week now. I cannot stop! I will not! Not till the tomatoes run out!

I’ve also gotten organized…

A week’s worth of juicing, bagged and washed for daily juice-ness. And no excuse-ness. No longer can I whine inside my head about how I don’t feel like washing celery, or cutting an apple or whatever other lame things run through my noggin’ early in the morning. I had been meaning to do this for a long time, but kept psyching myself out. I’d totally encourage you to do this because it makes juicing SO much faster in the morning. And it keeps all your ingredients fresher as well. You can rinse the baggies and use again.

Some other weekend shots…


Thank you for hanging in there while I get into the swing of things with school AND get my blog/website all figured out. I haven’t forgotten about that Veggie Korma either… It’s a comin’…


How was your weekend? Any big plans for today?