Tag Archives: eggs


You know how everyone ever always say to take time when you eat. To make sure you savor every bite. Digest. Relax. Etc.

You know that person didn’t have a toddler, right? Or has never met a toddler, either, for that matter.

Lately, eating has become a little bit of a challenge during the day, because Eli is all GO GO GO and he really likes it when he has an audience. Lest you think I’m raising some kind of voyeuristic mama’s boy, I am working at getting past this new awesomeness; however, that doesn’t change the fact that sitting down with a meal and enjoying just doesn’t work out when the baby is hanging on your leg and whining.

Also, because of the weird weather we are having (um, 70 degrees in December?!), it appears my body no long knows what it wants to eat.

So after all that blah blah, here’s my point: quick, delicious recipes are necessary.

This one is my favorite right now, and I’ll just apologize in advance for the imprecise measurements. You know how I roll. Can’t imagine this could get messed up anyway!

Delicious, nutritious, creamy and savory, these farm fresh fried eggs are the perfect contrast to the bitter baby arugula in its slightly acidic red wine dressing. It’s just a perfect mix. It tastes so decadent.


Eggs ‘n Greens

  • 1 large handful of baby arugula (or two!)
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • 2 eggs (try your best to find cage free, naturally fed – no soy, etc)
  • 2 tbsp pastured butter (like Kerrygold!)
  • Pure maple syrup
  • Salt n pepper


First, melt your butter in a skillet and once nice and hot, crack your eggs in and let them begin their fry.

In a small bowl, combine arugula with a quick pour of red wine vinegar, a dash or two of olive oil, a spill of maple syrup, and a pinch of salt (do you want to kill me yet?). Mix it up. Then plate it.

When your eggs are done to your liking, season with a little salt and pepper, and then place them on top of the greens.

That’s it!


It truly takes under 5 minutes from start to finish, and THAT is a wonderful thing.

What are your “in a hurry” meal ideas?


Hubs randomly asked me, “What’s better than bacon?”

I promptly responded, “Wine and chocolate.”

And obviously butter too.

I just enjoyed a big plate of these:

You can’t make french scrambled eggs without butter. In fact, I probably had scrambled eggs twice during the 30 days of Whole30 and both times I regretted it because they tasted like shoes. That’s why I ate my eggs fried.

This weekend, I was reunited with an old friend.




And oh so delicious.

People, I was in heaven.

You might think that Hubs and I would drink a glass perhaps two, since we hadn’t had a drop of vino in a month. But we don’t roll like that.

We survived, as did our waistlines.

It’s funny, neither of us wanted to eat anything truly off the Whole30 plan, even though we could. We had Indian food on Friday night, and I had several things that were not on plan, but didn’t overeat at all, stopped when I was full, and fortunately didn’t suffer any intestinal discomfort. But we hit up the supermarket, had our juice in the AM, made sure to eat salads, and generally just acted foolish with our wine. Because we missed our wine.

It was really weird! But kind of cool.

I really didn’t take any pictures during the weekend, as I was too busy chasing after my kiddo or drinking vino, but we had a wonderful family visit. Eli was awesome, slept at night, and was generally adorable.

This is him and my dad at the Indian restaurant. Eli, by the way, LOVES Indian food. My dad was so proud.

We are bit behind schedule today because yesterday, little man got his first hematoma and this Mommy was FREAKED out.

Can you see that poor bump?

I put him to bed past his bedtime because I just wanted to make sure he was acting normally. And then of course every time he cried or fussed I ran in there because I was concerned. So suffice to say I didn’t sleep well last night, and he ended up sleeping in until close 9am. Which means nap time was pushed back an hour. It’s cool though. But gosh. I hate it when he hurts himself and it seems to be something he’s very intent on doing!

Things I’ve said repeatedly this morning:

  • You really shouldn’t eat that paper.
  • You really should stop eating the dog food.
  • What’s in your mouth?
  • Say “ahhh”
  • Please give that to me.
  • Open your mouth!
  • What are you chewing on?

So, after I finish this post I’m going to go sit down and stare at the wall for a few moments and try to regain my sanity. Nap time is only so long, after all.

How was your weekend? Any vino shenanigans?

So, this is the best. I cannot imagine why I never made an omelette with a sweeter side before. I was really missing out, but don’t worry, I’ll be making up for lost time!

I used frozen blueberries. Wyman. They are my favorite and I always have a big bag in the freezer. Blueberries are probably the one and only thing I prefer frozen to fresh. You could use fresh though, just cook them a little longer I think. It’s hard to go wrong.

This recipe is whole30 compliant if you cook the omelette in ghee or olive oil and omit the added sweetener.

Blueberry Omelette

  • 1/3 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 tsp coconut crystals (or sucanat, brown sugar, etc)
  • 1 overflowing tbsp nut butter of choice (I used Justin’s Almond Butter)
  • 2 organic eggs
  • 1 pat butter

Over medium heat, put your blueberries, sweetener, and a touch of water in a sauce pan. Stir it up, keep it on medium heat to warm through.

Beat those eggs like you mean it.

Butter that pan like you mean it. Medium heat in a 12 inch skillet.

Let it heat up fully.

Check on your blueberries for a moment. Raise heat up high for a few seconds, then put it on low and keep it there.

Pour in your eggs. Let it cook for about 2 minutes – the edges will look a little bubbly and if you move the pan around a bit it should slide easily. Flip it.

Careful not to burn it. Burn omelette is yuck. Cook a little longer then flip onto your plate.

Fill your omelette with your nut butter. Maybe I lied about the quantity. Let your heart be your guide.

Pour your blueberries over the omelette.



So, one of the most delicious things I ate while in Sonoma were Chilaquiles. There is a huge Mexican population in Sonoma and I didn’t find many local restaurants that didn’t have a nod here or there to Mexican food. The hotel’s breakfast restaurant had several, but the Chilaquiles were my favorite.

A blend of smushy and crunchy tortilla strips, delicious red (Ranchera) sauce, cheese, fried eggs, and a topping of sliced avocado and sour cream – just wow. Here’s a picture of the Chilaquiles from Sonoma.


So delicious.

I decided it needed re-creation. I added a roasted cauliflower side dish that I had made a few nights before with dinner. It needed using and I didn’t see why it wouldn’t work. It was yummy. In place of the cauliflower, I’d recommend using black beans, any sauteed veggies, etc. You can’t really go wrong.

Kitchen Sink Chilaquiles

Serves 2, perhaps. 1 with a huge portion. You can do it.

1 can red (Ranchera) sauce. Or your favorite salsa or enchilada sauce.

2 Handfuls of tortilla chips. Your choice.

2 Organic eggs

1 cup shredded cheese (I used sharp cheddar. You can use any kind!)

1/2 cup filling of your choice (black beans, leftover veggies, etc)

Sliced avocado or Guacamole

1/2 cup full fat yogurt or Sour cream

Cilantro for garnish

Turn on your Broiler.

In an oven safe dish, place your chips in an even layer at the bottom, and cover with some of the ranchera sauce. Don’t drown them, but do coat them.


Place under the broiler for about 5 minutes, until the sauce is hot and has somewhat seeped into the chips. Remove from broiler.

Cook your eggs until they are ALMOST to your desired doneness.


Top your tortilla chip creation with whatever filling you want. I used the cauliflower. Top with half the cheese. Gently slide your eggs on top. Add the rest of the cheese. Pour more ranchera sauce over the top.

Place in the broiler just until the cheese is melted.

Top with sliced avocado or guacamole, chopped cilantro, and your cream. I mixed full fat yogurt with a little lime juice and salt to create a Crema. It was good. I didn’t have sour cream.




Omelettes are so good.

Some fear the flip.

But fear not.

I got you.

First, begin with two eggs.

Beat them within an inch of their lives. With a whisk. Don’t you dare use a fork. Don’t stop until you’re a little out of breath.

I’m serious. Ask anyone who’s seen me make eggs.


Put a large pat of butter in a non-stick pan, turn the heat to medium. Count to ten. Pour.


That’s butter in that pan. Eggs adore butter. As do I. If you ever made a bad omelette, perhaps you did not use butter.


Let the egg “set” for a few minutes. The edges should start to look done. A gentle touch with the spatula should confirm. Because of your delicious butter, the egg should be able to slide around the pan without sticking.

With your spatula (if you have a plastic-ended one, use that. A metal one will scratch your non-stick pan and break your omelette very easily) gently and with confidence, flip your omelette over.


It should look like this.

Now, add your toppings.


Then gently fold over the omelette.


Let cook on this side for a few moments, then flip and let cook on the other side. Your cheese should be bubbly. Just watch out for burning those eggs. Burnt eggs are just gross. Even with butter.

Now, slide your gorgeous, fluffy, buttery omelette onto your plate. Decorate it.


And eat!


Some tips:

  • Use a small pan.
  • Seriously, don’t skimp on the butter.
  • Make sure your eggs are beaten up thoroughly.
  • Keep your heat medium to low. It’s better to cook slowly than to burn quickly.

Omelettes are so good. And if you practice a bit, you’ll become a pro. Then you can start flipping with the pan instead of the spatula. Sometimes I do. But no one’s watching besides the animals and Eli – and they are never impressed. Unless I miss and it falls on the floor, of course.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! I’m excited because my husband is finally gracing me with his presence after being gone ALL WEEK LONG. I don’t know who he thinks he is. 🙂