Tag Archives: travel

Happy Sunday!

Like I said, we went to Pennsylvania Thursday and Friday, and Friday evening came home to my sis and her puppy visiting. It’s been a whirlwind few days! Let’s see if I can recap the fun stuff for ya.


Hotel room bottle washing. Can opener included for weight. Always a good time.


Apples, cashew butter, and Sammy. Who desperately needs a haircut.

This Guava Go Crib = best baby money we’ve spent since the Ergo carrier. I don’t randomly plug products on here, but this has changed the game for us. It is inflatable, packs into a light little backpack and includes a pump. I can inflate it and have it nap ready is under 3 minutes. And it’s so sturdy! Having used various Pack N Plays while traveling, I can tell you Eli finds this MUCH comfier. And if you’ve ever traveled with a Pack N Play… Well, a 5 lb backpack is a dreamboat.


Sammy roughing it.


Eli also roughing it.


Eli “helping.”


My boys looking gorg.

It’s been a minute since I’ve traveled with Eli. I think I was traumatized from the last time, which I think was Atlanta, where he really didn’t sleep at all. Sleeping is important. For all. He was really great though. I was able to get him his morning nap both days, and he was a total champ on Thursday when we went from house to house, in and out of the carseat, straight through his nap time. And he slept decently in the hotel too. I really appreciated it.

Funny story – I loved being at the hotel. While Eli napped in the other room, I had no kitchen to clean, no endless to-do list to get done, no NOTHING. I didn’t even blog, people. I relaxed for a hot minute, and it was amazing. Sammy is a bit of a spazz at hotels, but other than that, it was so restful. I even managed to grocery shop and prepare us a nice dinner Thursday night. No drive-thru for these peeps!

Speaking of food… What day is it anyway? Day 27!

We are doing it! The booze situation was a little hard this weekend, as it would have been nice to enjoy a cocktail or two with my sis, but, all is going well. I can definitely tell that Hubs has lost a lot of weight. I’m excited to see the number for him, because I’m sure it’s going to be great. He seems to be shrinking before my eyes! Personally, I don’t feel much smaller. Not bloated for sure, and have shed the Sonoma Trip weight definitely, but I don’t think anything major. We’ll see though.

I’ll be back atcha Monday! I hope you’re all having a great Sunday!


Anyone who’s been on vacation with me knows that I like to enjoy myself in the stuff-my-face department. Vacation is a time to cut loose, have a drink at 9am, eat cake for dinner…

And return home at least 5 lbs heavier.


Even if you don’t lose your mind while you’re away, plane travel, dehydration, and high salt intake (from eating your meals out) all can lead to a little temporary bloat. The trick is to make sure it’s temporary and not something you’ve got to “deal” with.

So, in anticipation of my forthcoming vacay, here is my WILL:

  • A glass of water for every glass of wine
  • Green juice every morning
  • No sugar
  • Keep moving
  • And have fun – no stressing the little things

The water will help to prevent too much bloating and will also temper the wine. As much as it sucks to admit it, when I drink, I make bad food choices. I’ve never gone on a midnight run to a salad bar. As I’ve mentioned before, sugar for me is pretty unfortunate, and I’m still working on getting rid of the acne from the sugar I had like, a month ago. So I’m not in a rush to start the cycle all over again.

I’m totally packing up my whole house too. Since we’re driving and staying in a full house, there’s not really a reason to leave behind things I want. Like my Vitamix AND my juicer.

There are definitely going to be some less than perfect food choices in Martha’s Vineyard, because part of the fun of being away from home is trying different things. But if the bulk of my daily diet is healthy, a little junk isn’t going to tip the scales too badly.

Also – don’t weigh yourself the day you get back from vacation. It’s not a real number. It’s inflated. Wait at least three days. 🙂

Well, I’m off to go find my son. He’s being quiet, which is never good.

What are your tips for staying reasonable while on vacation? 

Have a great one!